How to Start from Scratch as an Affiliate Marketer

How to Start from Scratch as an Affiliate Marketer

In this article, you’ll learn how to start from scratch as an affiliate marketer the right way. I will explain my simple step-by-step plan especially for those of you who are just getting started as an affiliate marketer.

Step 1: Choose What You Want to Sell

Choosing the right product to sell is very important and part of the key to success. Especially products that can help people solve their problems or improve their lives. It will be even better if you have a passion for the product or you’re currently using and experience it.

Let say you’re currently using funnel builder software that you’re in love with and having success with it. You want to help and share the funnel builder software with more people so they can solve their problems too. You found out that the funnel builder software has an affiliate program. Why not, sign-up as an affiliate and share the funnel builder software while earning affiliate commissions as well?

For example, I’m using ClickFunnels to build funnels for my business and I’m loving it. So, I sign-up as a ClickFunnels Affiliate and share it with people because I’m confident that funnels can help any type of business to grow and succeed. I choose ClickFunnels because it can help me build funnels easily and fast without any technical knowledge.

By now, you have chosen a product to sell that can help people to solve their problems or improve their businesses. Let’s move to the second step.


Step 2: Identify the People You Want to Help

Now you need to identify who are the people who will benefit from using the product you recommend. For example, ClickFunnels can help entrepreneurs to build funnels for their businesses. Any type of business will need funnels to grow their businesses.

Let say, you want to help network marketers to grow their MLM business. So, you teach them how to use ClickFunnels to build funnels for their network marketing business. Not only you will help them to use funnels in their businesses, but you also getting a commission for each people you refer to ClickFunnels.

Here’s a tip, when you identify people who you want to help, make sure you find a very specific market. You’ll need to look for a market that is aren’t saturated. There are millions of different industries and businesses to choose from agriculture to zoologist. So you’ll need to identify a specific market and focus on it. If you want to be successful then you will need to follow this tip.


Step 3: Create Something Unique for Your Ideal People

After you have determined your market, you will need to create something different, special, unique, or more valuable to them. For example, you can record a video tutorial or demo of you explaining, teaching, and educating real estate agents on how to use a funnel to grow their businesses or ideal customers.

Step 4: Create the Funnel

Once I have created the video tutorial based on the example that I mentioned above then I’m going to create a very simple two-pages funnel as following:

Create The Funnel

Page Number 1: Consist of a headline, sub-headline, video/text, bullet points, and an opt-in form to capture email addresses. This page will explain what my ideal customers would get to learn or discover once they submitted their email addresses. After that, they will bring to page number 2 where they will consume my content.

Page Number 2: Consist of a video tutorial that I previously create where I explain, teach, and educate real estate agents on how to use a funnel to grow their businesses or ideal customers. At the bottom of their video, will have a call-to-action button (my affiliate link) to the funnel builder software.

I recommend using ClickFunnels to build my funnel pages because it’s very easy to use and fast which saves me a lot of time to do other stuff.


Step 5: Drive Traffic to Your Funnels

You need to get people (traffic) to visit the funnel pages that you build earlier on. There are two types of traffic you can consider. One is a free traffic and the other one is paid traffic. Free traffic is something that you don’t spend money on to acquire traffic but you need to spend a lot of your time and effort to create content such as writing blogs, creating videos, social media live streaming, etc.

However, paid traffic will need you to spend money to acquire traffic but you can save your time and get instant results or data for you to analyze where the traffic comes from. For example, you create ads from Facebook and analyze your ads performance using the Facebook Ads Manager.

If you’re using paid traffic, then you’ll need to measure the return on investment (ROI) from your ads. For example, you measure how much you earn for each dollar you spend on ads. If it’s a loss, then you will need to find out what’s wrong with your ads or the value you give to your customers and make adjustments accordingly.

Step 6: Follow-up With Your Potential Customers

This step is very important if you want to maximize your return on investment. The potential customers who submitted their email address may not purchase the products or services at the first visit to your sales funnel. You’ll need to follow up with them by sending follow-up emails to them.

For example, you can remind them to check out the free video content, ask them if they have any questions about the product or services you offer, any problems they encounter when trying to purchase, request feedback, etc.

Step 7: Find Other Products That Can Help Your Potential Customers to be Successful

By now, you build your potential customer’s email list. Some of them purchase your first products and services that you recommend and some don’t. Don’t stop there. You can find other products and services that offer an affiliate program that can help your potential customers to be successful.

For example, previously you recommend the funnel software to your email list. So now you think about what other products and services do they need next to be even more successful. Maybe you can recommend to them a traffic masterclass, 1-to-1 coaching program, digital marketing services, etc. Continue to market and communicate with your email list and build a strong relationship with them.

Step 8: Rinse and Repeat

Finally, repeat the steps that I’d mentioned previously and keep building more funnels for different markets, products, and services. The more funnels you build, the more experience and success you will get. However, remember to focus all your time and effort on one funnel at a time. Move on to the next funnels whether you have success or failure from the previous funnel or not.

If you want to know more about ClickFunnels, then sign-up for the 14-day free trial. Play around with it. No risk to try because it’s free anyway for 14 days. Keep learning and take action because you’re one step away from success.


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