8 Steps To Get Started Making Money On YouTube

8 Steps To Get Started Making Money On YouTube


YouTube is the most popular video sharing website in the world. I guess you’re familiar with it to some extent. You can make money on YouTube by creating your own YouTube channel and promoting either your own or other people’s products and services. Otherwise, you can participate in the YouTube Partner Program.

8 Steps To Get Started Making Money On YouTube

YouTube is similar like any other social media website as far as set-up goes. However, here are the steps you need to take to create a YouTube channel worthy of many viewers daily.

Step #1: Create Your YouTube Channel

Google has simple to follow instructions that will help you create YouTube channel easily. Before that, you need to decide whether you want to use your own name or your business name. Think of what you want as your brand and select the one that makes the most sense for you.

Besides that, you need to consider the keywords when creating your YouTube account. Choose the keywords that your target market will likely use when they search for your products and services that you’re offering. This will increase your chances to show up in their results list. For example, if your videos are about personal development, some better keywords include: increased self-esteem, feeling good about yourself, how to be self-confident, and developing a self-empowering character.

After that, you need to create an attractive YouTube channel by choosing the right theme and color scheme for your category. Make sure you upload a photo that is representative of you or your brand. This will allow your audience to connect with you.

You must also choose a video for your featured video on your YouTube channel. Please make sure it is one of your best. Bear in mind that this may affect your target market to subscribe for your channel. So, it needs to be one that attract them to do what you’d like.

After that, fill in the title and description using content that represents what you have to offer. Any fields that you don’t fill in should be removed so that they don’t clutter up your page. Please make sure to leave the comment option on as this allow your followers to connect with you. This will help increase your interaction with your subscribers and also your sales.

Step #2 – Post Videos

You need to post your videos to your YouTube channel. You might wonder what types of videos do best? It depends on what goals or objectives you’re trying to achieve with them. Basically, high quality and shorter videos seem to get most audience. Therefore, you need to invest in good equipment and getting help from friends. So, you’re not trying to do everything alone.

However, if you’re making a how-to or demo videos, you need to make it longer so that you can convey the entire message. You want to get all of the important information in without speaking fast. or reduce your time by skipping over important bit of information.

Think of what your target market would like to watch and decide which will work best for you. You can also ask or conduct a survey to your audience and let them tell you what they like to watch.

Step #3 – Build Your Audience

As was mentioned in step one, choosing right keywords for your content helps drive traffic to your channel so remember when you’re trying to target a select group of individuals. Use Google Keyword Planner to search for keywords based on your channel’s category. Create a list of the highest searched keywords. You need to come up with about 20 here. List the keyword phrase along with the number of monthly searches. These are search keywords.

Next visit YouTube and make sure that you’re not sign in. We’re going to use the search function. Get the list that you just created and enter the first three-four letters of the keyword phrase. YouTube will start listing recommendations as you enter. These are keywords that other users are using to search for videos. You want to match these recommendations to the keywords in your list. These are your target audience’s keywords.

And just as you must frequently post with other forms of social media, the same applies with YouTube. This will get more visitors to subscribe to your channel since they know that you will posting content consistently, making it easier to create a following.

Step #4 – Cross-promote Your Videos

Share your videos on other forms of social media, for example Facebook and Twitter, to lead your followers and connections back to your YouTube channel.

Encourage them to subscribe to your channel so they can easily see what you are going to upload next. If you don’t tell them to subscribe, they might not even think of subscribing on their own. Make them excited about what you have to share and make them want to be a part of it.

You can also create a website or blog and promote your videos there. I suggest that you use WordPress for your website or blog, because it is free and easy to create. However, I suggest that you invest $10 in purchasing a domain name and also purchase a hosting for your website. You can use BlueHost.com since they have really affordable plan. I won’t recommend free hosting, never use it, because it will bombard your website with random advertisement and it will appear very unprofessional in the eyes of your visitor.

Step #5 – Monetize Your YouTube Account With Ads

You can take this step either right when you’re uploading your video or after it is already live. I’ll recommend the first option so that you don’t miss out on any cash. Do this by checking the “Monetize with Ads” option which can be found on the upload screen. You can also do this by going to your Video Manager.

You also want to visit Google Adsense website and create an account once your YouTube account is ready to be monetized. In order to create a Google Adsense account, you need to be 18 years of age and have either a PayPal account or a bank account to get paid. So, keep these requirements in mind before create a Google Adsense account.

Some advertisement are Cost per Click (CPC), which means that your advertiser pays when their advertisement is clicked on. Other advertisements are Cost per View (CPV), which requires that your audience watch at least half of their advertisement, or 30 seconds worth, whichever comes first. Pre-roll advertisements are the ones that play prior to your video, while advertisements can also appear at the bottom of your video screen (in-search ads) or on the side of it (in-display ads).

Each one has their own advantages, so it is up to you to choose which ones you want to use. You can try a couple of them and monitor which ones work best for your audience. Edit them and monitor if it makes a difference for your conversion.

Step #6 – Monetize Your YouTube Channel With Affiliate Marketing

Remember how the 7 steps to get started on affiliate marketing said that you can make money on any website? Well, YouTube is one of them. It allows you to direct your target audience to the products and services that will benefit them by putting affiliate links on your YouTube page. You’ll make money by selling other people’s goods and services through here.

Again, you want to choose affiliates that would appeal to your target market. You can make the most money possible when you select the products and services most appropriate for your customer.

Better thing is to earn 100 percent of the income by selling your own products and services on YouTube.

Step #7 – Monitor your Stats and Use the Information Wisely

YouTube provides you with analytics as to your video views so monitor them and see which videos are doing the best. Also, pay attention to which topics or videos aren’t generating much view as that’s equally as important to know.

The second part of this step involves using the analytics information wisely. This means making changes to your strategy if something goes wrong. However, it also requires that you produce more videos like the ones that are doing well and capturing the most attention.

Step #8 – Apply for a YouTube Partnership (Optional)

You can apply for a YouTube partnership after your YouTube channel has met certain requirement. You apply for partnership because you have more content creation tools that you can use and you can win prizes based on the success of your channel.

Earning Potential

It’s necessary to realize that you simply don’t make money on YouTube based on the number of followers you’ve got, however on how many of them interact with your advertisement and affiliates. You need to get your followers to involved and connect with each other. It’s not sufficient to just have your followers to watch your videos.

One way to get your followers interact with your videos is simply talk about your affiliates, advertisements, and products in your video. Tells your audience to click on the links by giving a call to action. You may be wasting a better opportunity to increase your profits if you don’t.

How much income can you realistically make with YouTube videos? You can earn six figures with the right content according to an article written by Business Insider. For example, Olga Kay did it. However, it is likely going to cost you a fortune.

Besides that, you have many examples of 20 YouTube millionaires like Vitalyzd TV who has nearly 8 million subscribers and make much money from his videos.

So is it worth it? Only you can answer that. It’s possible that you may decide that this make money on YouTube may be best as part-time job. You can also decide to dive in and give full commitment to become popular on YouTube. Just choose whichever option you feel good for you at the moment.

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